Unit test articles

Since yodaOS needs to rely on devices, a Rokid development version is required before unit testing.

Setting up your test environment

  1. Install node and adb (the minimum requirement for adb version is 1.0.32)
  2. Execute npm install
  3. Create a new test folder test/@yoda

Create a simple unit test

  1. In the test/@yoda file, create a new folder wifi
  2. In the wifi folder, create a new demo.test.js
'use strict'

var test = require('tape')
var wifi = require('@yoda/wifi')
var logger = require('logger')('wifi')

test('type check', function (t) {
  t.equal(typeof wifi.NETSERVER_CONNECTED, 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.NETSERVER_UNCONNECTED, 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.WIFI_CONNECTED, 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.WIFI_INIVATE, 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.WIFI_SCANING, 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.WIFI_UNCONNECTED, 'number')

  t.equal(typeof wifi.getWifiState(), 'number')

  t.equal(typeof wifi.getNetworkState(), 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.getWifiList(), 'object')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.disableAll(), 'number')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.resetDns(), 'boolean')
  t.equal(typeof wifi.scan(), 'boolean')


Running unit test code

  • $ npm test -- --reporter tap-spec -p '@yoda/wifi/*.test.js'

Code Style Detection

  • $ npm run lint-js
  • Type check
    • nodejs is a weakly typed language, type checking is necessary
  • Parameter check
    • The method returns the same value as expected

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    No results matching ""