Testing Tools

Unit test tool: Tape

Introduction to Single Test Tools


Coverage Statistics Tool Istanbul


Installing the Nyc Package

The npm tool pulls down the corresponding package. Currently, the runtime has added the dependency of the nyc toolkit, directly npm install.

Preparing for Coverage Environment

The initialization function is to prepare the coverage statistics environment: to ensure that the current code is up-to-date; to clear the historical data that may be built last time;

    echo "========init coverage env========"
    rm -rf node_modules
    npm install
    npm install --save-dev nyc
    rm -rf coverage
    rm -rf .nyc_output
    adb shell mount -o remount -o rw /
    adb shell mkdir -p .nyc_output
    if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
        echo "============init fail============="

Generating Piling Files

Generate a piling file. The idea is to put the source file to be counted into the specified directory, and then generate the piling file to the specified directory.

  echo "========get new files Output========"
  mkdir -p source-prepare
  cp -r packages ./source-prepare/
  cp -r runtime ./source-prepare/
  cp -r apps ./source-prepare/
  cp -r res ./source-prepare/
  node_modules/.bin/nyc instrument ./source-prepare ./source-for-coverage
  if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
       echo "========getOutput==========="

Push Piling Files to Device

Push the successfully piling file to the device side according to the original directory structure.

  echo "========pushToDevice========"
    tools/coverage-install -t
    tools/runtime-op restart
  if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
       echo "=======pushToDevice fail======="

Execution Unit Test

Perform unit tests with tape. Currently tape has supported the coverage statistics save path passed in via the --coverage parameter.

 tools/test --coverage '.nyc_output/xx.data' -p '**/*.test.js'

Pull Coverage File to Local

Pull the device side .nyc_output file to the same level as the source file directory.

  sleep 5
  echo "========pull coverage data========"
  mkdir -p .nyc_output
  adb pull /.nyc_output 
  if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
       echo "no coverage data"

Generating Coverage Report

Use nyc to generate a report based on the coverage file.

  echo "========make coverage report========"
  node_modules/.bin/nyc report --reporter=html
  if [ "$?" != 0 ];then
       echo "make report fail!"

Q & A

  • Q1: Where is the coverage file generation location on the device?

  • A1: Determined by the execution of the tape --the coverage parameter (the above script is generated in the .nyc_output directory of the device root).

  • Q2: Generate coverage report error, can't find directory .nyc_output?

  • A2: Because the command to generate the report defaults to reading the coverage file from the .nyc_output file in the current directory.

  • Q3: Is the generated coverage report location?

  • A3: Under the project root directory, the coverage directory is automatically generated, and the index.html file in the directory can be opened.

  • Q4: Visit the report page to view the source code coverage details. The error message indicates that the directory cannot be found.

  • A4: Make sure your source directory is level with the reported coverage directory.

  • Q5: Is there a problem with the single test discovery function?

  • A5: It may be that the push piling file process ensures that non-js files are not affected.

  • Q6: After performing the single test, it is found that the generated coverage file is not in the complete json format, resulting in the failure to generate a report.

  • A6: Make sure there is only one place in a test process that listens to the end of the process and generates a coverage file. The logic of the listener process is already integrated into the tape.

Reference Document


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