YODAOS Description
System Structure

Code Directory
- apps Local app integrated in the system, including [Bluetooth Music], [Distribution], [Volume], etc.
- apps/cloudappclient The local universal client of the Cloud App handles the logic issued by the cloud app, including [Ruo Qi Music], [Weather], [News], etc.
- include Build dependent header files
- packages Common module interface for interacting with the underlying services of the system, including [log], [Bluetooth], [Audio], [Button], etc.
- res resource files including lighting and sound effects
- runtime The core service of YODAOS
- activation activates the service and plays wake-up words when the device is activated
- lightd provides light rendering service
- multimediad provides multimedia playback service
- otad provides OTA upgrade service
- ttsd provides TTS playback service
- vuid VUI interactive service that handles user's NLP
- test unit test
- tools Debugging Tools
Compilation Method
- cp ./config/leo_k18_universal_node_defconfig .config
- make defconfig
- make package/jsruntime/install V=s
Installation Manual
- apps/ -> /opts/apps Currently third-party apps like QQ Music are also installed here.
- packages/ -> /usr/lib/node_modules
- res/ -> /opt/res
- runtime/ -> /usr/yoda
VUI Interaction Process

- After the user's voice is parsed in the cloud, the corresponding NLP is pushed to the VUI through the MQTT service.
- The VUI service selects the corresponding App to process the NLP.
- If the processing of the app includes logic such as lighting, broadcast, etc., the App will call the corresponding service through the VUI to execute the logic.