
Use Node.js in your end devices(QQ: 796448809)

View the Project on GitHub yodaos-project/ShadowNode

To write a test case

Depend on the purpose of the test case (whether it’s a positive or negative one), place it under test/run_pass or test/run_fail directory. The required external resources should be placed into test/resources.

All test case files must be named in the following form test_<module name>[_<functionallity].js where <module name> should match one of the JS modules name in the IoT.js. If there is a test case which can not tied to a module (like some js features) then the iotjs name can be used as module name. It is important to correctly specify the module name as the test executor relies on that information.

  1. Write a test case and place it into the proper directory.
  2. List up the test case in test/testsets.json, and set attributes (timeout, skip, …) on the test case if it needs.

How to Test

When you build iotjs binary successfully, you can run test driver with this binary.

/path/to/iotjs tools/check_test.js

Set test options

Some basic options are provided.

Existing test options are listed as follows;

quiet=yes|no (default is yes)
output-coverage=yes|no (default is no)
experimental=yes|no (default is no)

To give options, please use two dashes ‘–’ once before the option name as described in the following sections.

Options that may need explanations.

Options example

build/x86_64-linux/debug/bin/iotjs tools/check_test.js -- start-from=test_console.js quiet=no