
Use Node.js in your end devices(QQ: 796448809)

View the Project on GitHub yodaos-project/ShadowNode

Target board

We work on STM32F4 board for NuttX and the detail of the reference board is well described at STM32F4-discovery with BB.

Relation with STM board?

We do not have any business relation with STM board. It is selected because it has enough RAM and Flash ROM, so that development can be more comfortable. And it has lots of pins to play with.

When IoT.js is built up and optimized, it may work in devices having smaller resource.

1. Prepare for prerequisite


$ sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool gperf flex bison autoconf2.13
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libncurses-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libsgutils2-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi minicom

To use menuconfig in NuttX, you may need to install kconfig frontend.

$ git clone
$ cd kconfig-frontends
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --enable-mconf
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig


2. Set up the build environment for STM32F4-Discovery board

Supported Nuttx version

|Repository|Tag Name| |———-|:——:| | nuttx | nuttx-7.19 | | app | nuttx-7.19 |

We only guarantee that the specified version will work well. It is recommended to check out with the specified tag from a git repository.

Clone repository

Clone IoT.js and NuttX into iotjs-nuttx directory

$ mkdir iotjs-nuttx
$ cd iotjs-nuttx
$ git clone
$ git clone --branch nuttx-7.19
$ git clone --branch nuttx-7.19
$ git clone

Note that we only support the specified git tag from nuttx repository

The following directory structure is created after these commands

  + apps
  + iotjs
  |  + config
  |      + nuttx
  |          + stm32f4dis
  + nuttx
  + stlink

3. Build NuttX (For the first time)

To generate headers which are required to build IoT.js, for the first time, you need to build NuttX at least once. This time NuttX build will be failed. But don’t worry at this time. After one execution, you don’t need this sequence any more.

Add IoT.js as a builtin application for NuttX

$ cd apps/system
$ mkdir iotjs
$ cp ../../iotjs/config/nuttx/stm32f4dis/app/* ./iotjs/

Configure NuttX

# assuming you are in iotjs-nuttx folder
$ cd nuttx/tools

# configure NuttX USB console shell
$ ./ stm32f4discovery/usbnsh

Now you can configure nuttx like either of below. For convenience, we provide built-in configure file for you. (This configure file is equipped with modules specified as always. For optional modules, you might follow instructions below.)

$ cd ..
$ cp ../iotjs/config/nuttx/stm32f4dis/config.default .config

Or if you want to configure yourself, you can follow guide below.

$ cd ..
# might require to run "make menuconfig" twice
$ make menuconfig

Followings are the options to set:

Build NuttX Context

# assuming you are in iotjs-nuttx folder
$ cd nuttx/
$ make context

4. Build IoT.js for NuttX

These options are needed.


For example,

$ ./tools/ \
--target-arch=arm --target-os=nuttx --nuttx-home=../nuttx \
--target-board=stm32f4dis --jerry-heaplimit=78

Library files will be generated like below when build is successful.

$ ls build/arm-nuttx/release/lib
libhttpparser.a libiotjs.a libjerrycore.a libtuv.a

5. Build NuttX

# assuming you are in iotjs-nuttx folder
$ cd nuttx/
$ make IOTJS_ROOT_DIR=../iotjs

For release version, you can type R=1 make on the command shell.

6. Flashing

Connect Mini-USB for power supply and connect Micro-USB for NSH console.

To configure stlink utility for flashing, follow the instructions here.

To install,

# assuming you are in stlink folder
$ cd stlink
$ make

To flash,

# assuming you are in nuttx folder
$ sudo ../stlink/build/Release/st-flash write nuttx.bin 0x8000000

7. Run IoT.js

USB Connection

There are two USB Connections on the Target board. USB mini CN1 and USB micro CN5. Both USB ports need to be connected to your Host. CN1 is used for power and Flashing, but it will not appear as a device in Linux. CN5 is used for NSH and will appear as /dev/ttyACM0(linux) or /dev/tty.usbmodem1(macOS) when things work well.

Use minicom

// linux
$ minicom --device=/dev/ttyACM0
// macOS
$ minicom --device=/dev/tty.usbmodem1

You may need to enable Add Carriage Return option.

Press Enter key several times to trigger NuttShell to start.

If micro SD is enabled, you can copy any script file to it and run with nsh, for example;

NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /mnt/sdcard
nsh> iotjs /mnt/sdcard/path_to_file.js

If you see

|                             |                  
|  Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0!  |                  
|                             |                  

and it stays on the screen, something is wrong. Blue LED may blink if NuttX is in abnormal state. Press black(reset) button on the board and try again. If you still see this warning message, begin with original NuttX code and check your board, USB line and other softwares.